Tzivaeri mou (my treasure) / Τζιβαέρι

Domna Samiou

Oh! The foreign lands delight in him
my Tzivaeri
my fragrant flower
slowly, softly, slowly and humbly

Oh! It was I who sent him there
my Tzivaeri
with my own will
slowly, softly, slowly I step on earth

Oh! Curse you foreign lands
my Tzivaeri
you and your advantages
slowly, softly, slowly and humbly

Oh! That you’ve taken my little child
my Tzivaeri
and made him yours
slowly, softly, slowly I step on earth

[This traditional Greek song is a more than a hundred years old. The word "Τζιβαέρι" comes from the word "τζοβαίρι", which means "precious stone," "the most precious thing someone has." In the song it referσ to the singer's child. The word "child" in Greek has no gender, but the translator used the male gender. A song tribute to the Greek immigrants, wherever in the world they may be.]

Δόμνα Σαμίου

Αχ! Η ξενιτειά το χαίρεται
Τζιβαέρι μου
Το μοσχολούλουδο μου
σιγανά και ταπεινά

Αχ! Εγώ ήμουνα που το ‘στειλα
Τζιβαέρι μου
Με θέλημα δικό μου
σιγανά πατώ στη γη

Αχ! Πανάθεμά σε ξενιτειά
Τζιβαέρι μου
Εσέ και το καλό σου
σιγανά και ταπεινά

Αχ! Που πήρες το παιδάκι μου
Τζιβαέρι μου
και το ‘κανες δικό σου
σιγανά πατώ στη γη

Areti Ketime Αρετή Κετιμέ

Eleftheria Arvanitaki & Philip Glass Ελευθερία Αρβανιτάκη & Philip Glass

Eleftheria Arvanitaki at Carnegie Hall, NYC, 2014 Ελευθερία Αρβανιτάκη στο Carnegie Hall, NYC, 2014

Kyriaki Derempei, acapella Κυριακή Δερέμπεη, acapella

Ellenic Traditional Project
Nikolas Gkinis, Theologos Anagnostopoulos
Ellenic Traditional Project
Νικόλας Γκίνης, Θεολόγος Αναγνωστόπουλος

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